
Blog Post

Why chemical substances producers feed the world? Shocking speech of Courtney Swan!

An interesting speech was given in Washington that may be shocking to many people. It turns out that the corporations that currently produce weedkillers commonly used in agriculture are the same companies that supplied chemicals used in Nazi nerve agents and gas chambers during World War II. How is this possible? Unfortunately, when the wars […]

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Is early diagnosis always better?

    RetinaLyze – Danish AI supplier had the opportunity to contribute to significant discussion on the future of health diagnostics through oculomics, as featured in a recent publication called “Is early diagnosis always better” by The College of Optometrists.   “Oculomics combines a number of technologies, including high-resolution imaging such as OCT and fundus […]

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PAN Europe launches 2 new court cases against EU Commission for deceptive protection of health and the environment

Brussels, 20. December 2023. – PAN Europe has initiated 2 new legal actions before the General Court of the EU. The goal is to fix the misimplementation of the EU pesticide legislation. We challenge the new regulation on co-formulants, which is an empty legislation without an obligation for pesticide companies to provide the toxicity data. […]

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Pesticides banned by the EU because of harm and danger are still in our food or environment!

Banned pesticides still widely used! How EU Member states abuse emergency authorisations? Pesticides banned by the EU because of harm and danger are still in our food or environment. Many EU countries continue to allow their use. In a new report, PAN Europe exposes the widespread abuse of emergency derogations in the EU.   Carcinogenic, mutagenic, genotoxic […]

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Calling for an end to all unethical studies – especially those with the underlying motive of expanding the market for formulas  and ultra processed products for children

IBFAN is launching a PETITION calling for an immediate halt to a new study  –  funded by the Gates Foundation and led by researchers from the University of California – that is randomly allocating infant formula to breastfeedin low-birth-weight babies in Uganda and Guinea-Bissau on assumption that this might prevent wasting and stunting. The study, […]

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The uniqueness of ORGANIC LIFE Final Gala lies in going beyond the scope of ecology itself

In the meadows in Juchowo, representatives of various ecological environments, scientists, doctors and activists met. The ORGANIC LIFE TOP 50 Final Gala was preceded by the Ecomedicine Congress and the Ecological Networking Session. The program of the day, full of attractions, turned out to be extremely beneficial for the participants! Text: Żaneta Geltz Great personalities […]

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