
About Us

HappyEvolution.TV > About Us

A few words about us


You can join, too, to this endlessly developing community of people who increase the level of happiness of the World.

Not the profession matters, but your intentions.

Not the level of your wallet counts, but your ethics and humanity.

What do we offer
Independent TV

Speaking Sessions
Educational projects




Responsible Business

Zaneta Geltz was rewarded with the regional award for Responsible Business, engaging persons with mobility difficulties and enabling free education about health. Our best reward is the audience that wants to hear our independent news.


Experts said “YES”

Our 10-steps formula was many times highly valued by international experts who confirm that it is possible to escape long-term illnesses, including early signs of cancer by having right bio-food, enough gyms, certain portion of relaxing practices, clean water (not from plastic bottles), no-toxins life and right level of consumer education.



Countries to follow

We all agree that Scandinavia is one of the most inspiring region of the world, but also Tibetan tribes, Chinese specialists of natural medicine, Hindi experts of Ayurveda and Arabic professionals focused on happiness in UAE. We bring you some details about it in our films. Watch them carefully, the true recipe is in between the lines.


Learn about our project: ORGANIC LIFE TOP 50

Look, who we have invited to our interviews in our Magazine HAPPY EVOLUTION 



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61-608 Poznań
VAT IT: PL7791454970
contact: happy evolution.tv@ gmail.com