
Our media

HappyEvolution.TV > Our media


Our association is creating a special type of communication to the world, which is based on true information, reliable knowledge and constructive dialogue of various environments. [SHOP]

We do it through our Speaking Sessions, TV Channel and Annual Magazine 


Not only we engage scientists, specialists, environmentalists, toxicologists, journalists, but also we take their messages and statements to the wide public and make it available to:

– parents and future parents
– vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free persons, lactose-free persons, histamine sufferers, etc
– eco-oriented persons and bio-lovers
– zero waste practitioners
– slow life defenders
– health focused consumers
– toxins-free homes fans
– animal friendly solutions
– ethical business and fair trade lovers

We offer:
– Happy Evolution Internet TV as the independent video channel
– Happy Evolution Magazine in English [international edition]
– Happy Evolution Speaking Sessions during the best events

We also invite potential Partners to establish a cooperation with our association and learn what a good difference we can do to your brand or a company. The condition is that your company is:
– ethical
– ecological
– hypoallergenic
– organic
– fair trade
– products not tested on animals
– sustainable

We invite you to contact us also for the possibility of Speaking Session within the above scope of specialized shows, all over the world.


We offer also a unique concept of the annual magazine HAPPY EVOLUTION, which is covering 10 areas of life that might be slightly changed to drive us to a better health condition and minimalism. [BUY>]

Let us briefly tell you about the magazine, we offer you. [SHOP]


Inside you will find a complete 10-steps guide to modify your daily habits into the healthy ones. 
They are all in one place, illustrated and later on, on 100 pages – described word by word.
Experts and practitioners are helping to understand how deep the changes can be and what is it that we are actually doing, by changing.

Majority of us seems to know what it means to run a healthy life. However, only some of us covered it well enough to be able to say “I am happy!”. Our interviews help in understanding how the improvement process grows, where do we start and which mistakes (stages) are inevitable along our personal development into a more aware person, perfectly equipped consumer.

It all starts with water. Drinking more, and not buying it in plastic bottles. Then we talk about valuable food, we should eat, to appreciate ourselves with a good quality fuel. We differentiate real science from what seems to be a regular “supplement sales” offer in the wide Internet resources, that we explore everyday. It looks like the best food we can have, we are able to grow and prepare ourselves!

On top of consumer behaviors and nutrition, cleaning your body, we also approach the issue of toxic relationships. We will not reveal all the secrets our interviewed guest is sharing, but here is a little sample of the whole talk!

When you have cleaned up the relationships and got rid of people eating your energy everyday, not giving anything positive in exchange, even a good word, you start to expand cleaning into the house and more. In order to avoid purchasing bull***t products, we help you by guidance which certificates are trustful and which zero waste secrets are worth consideration.

And it is only a sample 10 pages out of 100, very intensely helping you out in getting started to be enormously good for yourself. We show you what pesticides do to your food, which countries and how – introduce new farming procedures to save societies from massive sickening. Strange word “lectins” is explain, as we all eat it every single day, and never think how vast influence it has on our guts, thus on our health and auto immunological diseases.

At the very end of all 10 steps covered, there is a small motivation article for you.
About capacity of your life, how to manage it and where is the place for me?

Own story of Zaneta Geltz, who along the interviews, initiated all the changes herself. Maybe it is nothing sensational to reduce weight by 18 kg in 4 months, but all the pieces of scientific advices – worked! And physical proof of how it works is only what you can see, but the numerous improvements that you feel, and can’t show, they are much more precious: much higher energy level, clearer mind, great memory, positive thoughts, less stress, no anger, enthusiastic meetings, colorful future projection, time for everything!

Planning to make some good decisions for yourself?
You can get your magazine here [7$]:




As you watch this page, you noticed that we are also running video interviews with interesting persons, who can be a source of inspirational thoughts and ideas, and have the will to share them free of charge for you! Do you want to be informed about new materials? Subscribe our channel here: