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HappyEvolution.TV > Articles > Why should we join #EXPOSED UNNECESSARILY?

Why should we join #EXPOSED UNNECESSARILY?

The Global Interdisciplinary Coalition Exposed Unnecessarily brings together media, experts, organizations, event organizers, bloggers and manufacturers, philanthropies, international institutions, civil society, farmers and readers of HAPPY EVOLUTION annual magazine, including the editor-in-chief, Zaneta Geltz, the author of the concept.

The vision of the Coalition is the connection, which can be created between numerous, and caring parties of a dialogue concentrated on health aspects, sustainable farming and production, reasonable consumption and wellbeing within the medical services area. It all starts with a newborn child coming into this world, that should be in the center of the highest attention of all the parties, to be protected against aggressive marketing induction of formula producers, unhealthy petrol-based infant products sold to mothers and all the way down until we are all getting sick because of failing to be a mindful consumer.

The members of this Coalition named Exposed Unnecessarily declare to spread the ethical education, scientific publications and invite to participate in a growing trend of buying less but better. All actions and practices should drive us all to the better soil condition, higher food value as for nutrients, and better health of future generations, which obviously, due to too little attention, are inevitably exposed to health threats.

The project is looking over politics, skin color and religions. It is welcoming all of the doers who care about sustainability of the production, consumption and efficient health treatments without putting any human being or fauna world in any type of danger.


Global Coalition: JOIN * ACT * SPREAD * REACT

Zaneta Geltz, the founder of HAPPY EVOLUTION GLOBAL ASSOCIATION and the initiator of the Coalition calls upon activists from media, health authorities, organizations, government, farming and manufacturers, to:

  1. Start with spreading the word about #GoldenHour right after birth – to aim at raising the rate of breastfeeding mothers up to the 2nd year of a child
  2. Defending ecological farming and certified production of all possible merchandise to cut down the levels of toxins, allergens, harmful ingredients doses and cut an exposure to cancer, hormones disorder or water and air pollution.
  3. Educating future parents, starting from children in schools, to reduce the risk of unnecessary diseases of the future children, to grow a natural child delivery and cut to the minimum the pharmacological intervention.
  4. Implementing 10 steps back to health, happiness and the balance, which is a program available online to everyone, aimed at sustainable living and ecological education, setting personal talent management as a target.
  5. Improve access of skilled dietary counseling to body trainers and the other way round,and develop prevention of diseases in health facilities and help the patients in getting complete education. Both dietary advisors and physioterapeutists need to be educated about importance of free-from-pesticides food.
  6. Strengthen links between medical doctors and clinics and yoga communities, to encourage wider functional medicine networks that protect, enhance, and support patient’s wellbeing, self-awareness, education and quick recovery, putting focus on stress-release techniques.
  7. Raising empathy of
    – medical environment to patients
    – manufacturers to nature,
    so that patients can recover faster, and consumers will produce less waste, which is difficult to clean and recycle.

These two big issues will finally develop our life into more compassionate and to a higher level of cleanness.

People are left on their own, when they learn they are sick. They try to find the supportive education of publications to help their situation, but they reach out for free information available in the Internet, because the well-trained sales agents already did their job. So, like a wounded deer in the forest, patients get easily trapped, because being in panic, they are easily manipulated by the wordfear”. Do you worry about your liver? Are you scared you have depression? Do you think you might suffer from Hashimoto? Yes, we have a pill for you: “all-in-one”,that will work tomorrow. People, in the good belief that they found a cure, they spend the money for a worthless low quality supplements, because they got not enough quality attention at the doctors clinics. They feel lonely and hungry for attention. Sales specialists will spend a lot of time with such a person to grab the funds from the pocket. The patients spend their money, because they want to pay for the attention (time spent). We should stop this manipulation, because patients do not deserve that.

They will not have to go through this, if we make one step back and educate the societies how to shop, how to avoid harmful food and toxic household chemistry or skin care products. If we do this education, with the high dosage of ecological input, we will all collectively reduce the rate of people sick with cancer, allergies, diabetes, auto immunological diseases, hearth problems and fertility dropping. We need to start early, start with young people, who will have the first child soon. I call for a coalition, because only by working in a team, we can build a massive communication and achieve the goal.– Zaneta Geltz.

How to join and get involved?

The Global Interdisciplinary Coalition #ExposedUnnecessarily is looking for media supporters, government bodies, ethical manufacturers, organic farmers, community builders, nutritional counselors, medical experts, talented bloggers and integrative healthcare professionals to grow the community of active doers – the game changers.
We need you to grow and expand along with the balance of the educated societies and the planet’s wellbeing. Our goal is to produce as many magazines as possible and get them delivered to all the doors of people in the need.
If you are interested in growing the educational platform of common knowledge, let us have your time, your voice and your engagement to make the true education possible and widely spread.
Join us.

About the author:
Żaneta Geltz runs a publishing house, being an editor-in-chief of periodicals for Poland and abroad, founded a HAPPY EVOLUTION GLOBAL ASSOCIATION that educates thousands of viewers during numerous events in Poland and outside. Together with a team of scientists, doctors and media representatives promotes the connection of academic and natural medicine, encouraging to reduce meat consumption, raising ecological manufacture awareness, certification recognition and self-development as a way to build higher quality relations of humans to the planet Earth.

She is the first person in Poland who gave so much attention to allergy sufferers and started a struggle with misusing the notion of „hypoallergenic”, especially in the context of cosmetic industry. In her publishing activities, she relies only on scientific data, evidence-based medicine, however with the high dosage of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, to connect all the efficient medical practices, for the sake of health of her allergenic readers and their families. She runs tens of Speaking Sessions every year, starting from 2014, which effect in raising awareness of hundreds of thousands of people, and several millions of viewers online via: www.hipoalergiczni.pl.

She herself has overcome a few health issues including overweight and IBS problem, based on the knowledge she absorbed during interviews with scientists, eventually, she created a 10-steps-recipe HAPPY EVOLUTION, so readers and viewers can do their journey back to their health, too. Anybody can use it, both patients and therapeutists [link here].

She is setting a new trend for media to act ethically without any compromise and defend the readers’ interests, and not to be a slave of international corporations, painting the green grass, where potential is the biggest (meaning people being ill and mothers of small babies). She does not agree to the status quo and builds a new order, where the truth is the highest value.

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When you see the picture clear, spread the word to your friends and neighbors, so they can also start avoiding future diseases.

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